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MSP432E4 DriverLib API Guide
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | GPIO_PIN_0 0x00000001 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_1 0x00000002 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_2 0x00000004 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_3 0x00000008 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_4 0x00000010 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_5 0x00000020 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_6 0x00000040 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_7 0x00000080 |
#define | GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN 0x00000000 |
#define | GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT 0x00000001 |
#define | GPIO_DIR_MODE_HW 0x00000002 |
#define | GPIO_FALLING_EDGE 0x00000000 |
#define | GPIO_RISING_EDGE 0x00000004 |
#define | GPIO_BOTH_EDGES 0x00000001 |
#define | GPIO_LOW_LEVEL 0x00000002 |
#define | GPIO_HIGH_LEVEL 0x00000006 |
#define | GPIO_DISCRETE_INT 0x00010000 |
#define | GPIO_STRENGTH_2MA 0x00000001 |
#define | GPIO_STRENGTH_4MA 0x00000002 |
#define | GPIO_STRENGTH_6MA 0x00000065 |
#define | GPIO_STRENGTH_8MA 0x00000066 |
#define | GPIO_STRENGTH_8MA_SC 0x0000006E |
#define | GPIO_STRENGTH_10MA 0x00000075 |
#define | GPIO_STRENGTH_12MA 0x00000077 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD 0x00000008 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPU 0x0000000A |
#define | GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPD 0x0000000C |
#define | GPIO_PIN_TYPE_OD 0x00000009 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_TYPE_ANALOG 0x00000000 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_TYPE_WAKE_HIGH 0x00000208 |
#define | GPIO_PIN_TYPE_WAKE_LOW 0x00000108 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_0 0x00000001 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_1 0x00000002 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_2 0x00000004 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_3 0x00000008 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_4 0x00000010 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_5 0x00000020 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_6 0x00000040 |
#define | GPIO_INT_PIN_7 0x00000080 |
#define | GPIO_INT_DMA 0x00000100 |
Functions | |
void | GPIODirModeSet (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins, uint32_t ui32PinIO) |
uint32_t | GPIODirModeGet (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pin) |
void | GPIOIntTypeSet (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins, uint32_t ui32IntType) |
uint32_t | GPIOIntTypeGet (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pin) |
void | GPIOPadConfigSet (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins, uint32_t ui32Strength, uint32_t ui32PadType) |
void | GPIOPadConfigGet (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pin, uint32_t *pui32Strength, uint32_t *pui32PadType) |
void | GPIOIntEnable (uint32_t ui32Port, uint32_t ui32IntFlags) |
void | GPIOIntDisable (uint32_t ui32Port, uint32_t ui32IntFlags) |
uint32_t | GPIOIntStatus (uint32_t ui32Port, bool bMasked) |
void | GPIOIntClear (uint32_t ui32Port, uint32_t ui32IntFlags) |
void | GPIOIntRegister (uint32_t ui32Port, void(*pfnIntHandler)(void)) |
void | GPIOIntUnregister (uint32_t ui32Port) |
void | GPIOIntRegisterPin (uint32_t ui32Port, uint32_t ui32Pin, void(*pfnIntHandler)(void)) |
void | GPIOIntUnregisterPin (uint32_t ui32Port, uint32_t ui32Pin) |
int32_t | GPIOPinRead (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinWrite (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins, uint8_t ui8Val) |
void | GPIOPinConfigure (uint32_t ui32PinConfig) |
void | GPIOPinTypeADC (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeCAN (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeComparator (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeComparatorOutput (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeDIVSCLK (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeEPI (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeEthernetLED (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeEthernetMII (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutputOD (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeHibernateRTCCLK (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeI2C (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeLCD (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeOneWire (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypePWM (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeQEI (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeSSI (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeTimer (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeTrace (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeUART (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeUSBAnalog (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeUSBDigital (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeWakeHigh (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOPinTypeWakeLow (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
uint32_t | GPIOPinWakeStatus (uint32_t ui32Port) |
void | GPIODMATriggerEnable (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIODMATriggerDisable (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOADCTriggerEnable (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
void | GPIOADCTriggerDisable (uint32_t ui32Port, uint8_t ui8Pins) |
#define GPIO_PIN_0 0x00000001 |
#define GPIO_PIN_1 0x00000002 |
#define GPIO_PIN_2 0x00000004 |
#define GPIO_PIN_3 0x00000008 |
#define GPIO_PIN_4 0x00000010 |
#define GPIO_PIN_5 0x00000020 |
#define GPIO_PIN_6 0x00000040 |
#define GPIO_PIN_7 0x00000080 |
#define GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN 0x00000000 |
#define GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT 0x00000001 |
Referenced by GPIODirModeSet(), GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(), and GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutputOD().
#define GPIO_DIR_MODE_HW 0x00000002 |
Referenced by GPIODirModeSet(), GPIOPinTypeCAN(), GPIOPinTypeComparatorOutput(), GPIOPinTypeDIVSCLK(), GPIOPinTypeEPI(), GPIOPinTypeEthernetLED(), GPIOPinTypeEthernetMII(), GPIOPinTypeHibernateRTCCLK(), GPIOPinTypeI2C(), GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(), GPIOPinTypeLCD(), GPIOPinTypeOneWire(), GPIOPinTypePWM(), GPIOPinTypeQEI(), GPIOPinTypeSSI(), GPIOPinTypeTimer(), GPIOPinTypeTrace(), GPIOPinTypeUART(), and GPIOPinTypeUSBDigital().
#define GPIO_FALLING_EDGE 0x00000000 |
Referenced by GPIOIntTypeSet().
#define GPIO_RISING_EDGE 0x00000004 |
Referenced by GPIOIntTypeSet().
#define GPIO_BOTH_EDGES 0x00000001 |
Referenced by GPIOIntTypeSet().
#define GPIO_LOW_LEVEL 0x00000002 |
Referenced by GPIOIntTypeSet().
#define GPIO_HIGH_LEVEL 0x00000006 |
Referenced by GPIOIntTypeSet().
#define GPIO_DISCRETE_INT 0x00010000 |
Referenced by GPIOIntTypeSet().
#define GPIO_STRENGTH_2MA 0x00000001 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), GPIOPinTypeADC(), GPIOPinTypeComparator(), GPIOPinTypeComparatorOutput(), GPIOPinTypeDIVSCLK(), GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(), GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(), GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutputOD(), GPIOPinTypeHibernateRTCCLK(), GPIOPinTypeI2C(), GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(), GPIOPinTypeOneWire(), GPIOPinTypePWM(), GPIOPinTypeQEI(), GPIOPinTypeSSI(), GPIOPinTypeTimer(), GPIOPinTypeTrace(), GPIOPinTypeUART(), GPIOPinTypeUSBAnalog(), GPIOPinTypeUSBDigital(), GPIOPinTypeWakeHigh(), and GPIOPinTypeWakeLow().
#define GPIO_STRENGTH_4MA 0x00000002 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet().
#define GPIO_STRENGTH_6MA 0x00000065 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet().
#define GPIO_STRENGTH_8MA 0x00000066 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), GPIOPinTypeCAN(), GPIOPinTypeEPI(), GPIOPinTypeEthernetLED(), GPIOPinTypeEthernetMII(), and GPIOPinTypeLCD().
#define GPIO_STRENGTH_8MA_SC 0x0000006E |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet().
#define GPIO_STRENGTH_10MA 0x00000075 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet().
#define GPIO_STRENGTH_12MA 0x00000077 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet().
#define GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD 0x00000008 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), GPIOPinTypeCAN(), GPIOPinTypeComparatorOutput(), GPIOPinTypeDIVSCLK(), GPIOPinTypeEPI(), GPIOPinTypeEthernetLED(), GPIOPinTypeEthernetMII(), GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(), GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(), GPIOPinTypeHibernateRTCCLK(), GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(), GPIOPinTypeLCD(), GPIOPinTypeOneWire(), GPIOPinTypePWM(), GPIOPinTypeSSI(), GPIOPinTypeTimer(), GPIOPinTypeTrace(), GPIOPinTypeUART(), and GPIOPinTypeUSBDigital().
#define GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPU 0x0000000A |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), and GPIOPinTypeQEI().
#define GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPD 0x0000000C |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet().
#define GPIO_PIN_TYPE_OD 0x00000009 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutputOD(), and GPIOPinTypeI2C().
#define GPIO_PIN_TYPE_ANALOG 0x00000000 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), GPIOPinTypeADC(), GPIOPinTypeComparator(), and GPIOPinTypeUSBAnalog().
#define GPIO_PIN_TYPE_WAKE_HIGH 0x00000208 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), and GPIOPinTypeWakeHigh().
#define GPIO_PIN_TYPE_WAKE_LOW 0x00000108 |
Referenced by GPIOPadConfigSet(), and GPIOPinTypeWakeLow().
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_0 0x00000001 |
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_1 0x00000002 |
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_2 0x00000004 |
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_3 0x00000008 |
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_4 0x00000010 |
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_5 0x00000020 |
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_6 0x00000040 |
#define GPIO_INT_PIN_7 0x00000080 |
#define GPIO_INT_DMA 0x00000100 |